You may agree that empowering future leaders of developing nations is essential to ending extreme poverty. Global 504 works with local partners committed to solving problems, provide training, and bring transformational leaders to the next generation for their area of influence.

By empowering future leaders, we are working from the top down to impact the lives of those living in extreme poverty, those who are vulnerable to human trafficking and those impacted by a disaster or political unrest.

Through our work and partnerships, individuals and groups around the world are learning to become self-sustaining and breaking the cycle of extreme poverty.

Community village leaders work alongside our partners in clean water projects, nutritional food, wellness, education, and income generation.  From helping villages access clean water to helping families create a sustainable income, villages are able to address problems and develop solutions for their community while using local resources.

Transformational Community Development allows the village to take ownership and lead their community towards sustainable transformation! Kids in all of our orphan care facilities are raised with the expectation that they will be successful in whatever they are gifted and called to do. And they will use their influence to help children out of the cycle they were saved from.


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